

Hello readers, saya mau sedikit share tentang pengalaman mengikuti event yang menurut saya sangat positif, event yang bernamakan "Polkadot Leprosy Run" itu berlangsung pada tanggal 15 maret 2015 kemarin di Alam Sutera, Tangerang. Jadi disini "Polkadot Leprosy RUN" bertujuan untuk menunjukan kepedulian kita dengan sesama, terlebih bagi mereka yang sedang sakit atau yang pernah terkena penyakit KUSTA. Kegiatan ini adalah kegiatan sosial, dimana hasilnya 100% akan di sumbangkan dan di gunakan bagi komunitas kusta. Disini para peserta event ini akan berlari 5km atau 10km sesuai keinginan, mereka juga menyiapkan hadiah untuk para pemenang yang pastinya untuk memotivasi para pelari yang serius mengikuti event.

Kesan saya waktu mengikuti event tersebut adalah. "Sangat Menyenangkan" Ya, memang sangat menyenangkan dapat berlari berolahraga bersama teman-teman dan ribuan orang lain, jujur saja ini pengalaman pertama saya mengikuti event semacam ini, yaitu lari pagi rame2 hahaha. lalu juga panitia yang sangat rapih dalam menyiapkan event ini, semua terorganisir tidak ada ngaret dalam event ini. Bahkan ketika saya datang ke lokasi event jam 4 pagi, disana saya sudah menemukan banyak panitia yg senantiasa ramahnya menyapa kedatangan para peserta, mereka juga sudah menyiapkan fasilitas2 umum dengan rapih dan mampu mengontrol para peserta yg ribuan jumlahnya untuk tetap stick pada schedule mereka.

Lalu untuk pesan saya, menurut saya yang baru pertama kali mengikuti event semacam ini merasa sangat nyaman dan berterimakasih pada penyelenggara. Karena menurut saya, semua acara sangat teratur dan juga susunan acara yang bermanfaat seperti tarian zumba, pemanasan dipandu coach dll. ya, sekali lagi saya sangat berterimakasih kepada para penyelenggara karena event ini adalah event yang sangat menyenangkan untuk saya yang sangat jarang berolahraga.

sekilas info penyakit kusta untuk para readers. :D

Penyakit kusa adalah penyakit menular yang menahun dan di sebabkan oleh kuman kusta (mycrobacterium leprae) yang menyerang kulit saraf tepi dan jaringan tubuh lainnya. Dan ingatlah bahwa penyakit ini bukan disebabkan oleh kutukan ataupun guna-guna hehehe.

Terdapat 2 jenis penyakit kusta, yaitu yang basah dan yang kering. Lalu untuk pengobatannya juga tergantung jenis penyakit kustanya, untuk jenis kusta basah obat harus diminum setiap hari selama 12 bulan.dan untuk jenis kusta kering obat harus di minum selama 6 bulan.

*Kusta dapat disembuhkan tanpa cacat bila berobat dini dan teratur*

Semenjak saya mengikuti event ini dan sedikit belajar tentang Kusta, saya berkomitmen untuk selalu waspada pada penyakit ini, dan senantiasa sebisa mungkin mengikuti event-event lain yang tujuan utamanya adalah melawan penyakit kusta, tidak hanya kusta tetapi semua penyakit. itulah cara saya untuk berkontribusi terhadap sesama di Indonesia.

Lalu saya mempunyai sedikit saran untuk melawan penyakit kusta ini. Bagaimana kalau kita membuat semacam rancangan komunikasi visual, seperti iklan tentang penderita penyakit kusta ini, diharapkan untuk membuat iklan yang efektif dan mendidik. seperti contohnya memberikan sisipan iklan tentang bahaya dan tanda-tanda kusta kepada masyarakat. karena menurut saya, masyarakat masih minim pengetahuan tentang penyakit kusta. Maka demikianlah, saya mempunyai usul untuk membuat suatu komunikasi visual seperti iklan yang nantinya di tayangkan di saluran-saluran tv indonesia, guna memberi informasi penyakit kusta secara efektif di seluruh bagian indonesia.


Moecchi's Game Review : Dead Space 2

  Another sequel from Dead Space and still, playing as Isaac Clarke an engineer that survived from the giant mining ship "USG Ishimura" curses. I won't write the end of the first sequel here, spoiling is not fun at all. Well, the gameplay isn't changing at all, but the textures and graphic has an improvement. Even though i am a little disappointed about the scary and thrilling sounds/shouts, for me it was weaker than the first sequel. I also learn that the three years since then have been little more than a blur to Isaac--he's in some kind of hospital facility, but has only the vaguest memories of his time there. And almost before you can say "necromorph outbreak," you take control of Isaac as he runs for his life from the hideous creatures who, for reasons that aren't immediately clear, have suddenly appeared and started slaughtering the human population here in the Sprawl, a vast urban area on Titan, Saturn's largest moon. Isaac, who said not a word in the original game, has a voice here, and although he's a bit bland as a character, the intensity of the action that surrounds him makes you feel invested in his desperate struggle for survival. Revealing glimpses into the world of Dead Space--such as a trek through a Unitology center that sheds light on the inner workings of the church whose activity is inextricably linked to the necromorph outbreaks--keep the momentum rolling during the early chapters. The game later falls into predictable rhythms for a while, but it picks up steam again toward the end, as the story goes to some unexpected and exciting places and puts almost as much emphasis on Isaac's struggle against his own demons of guilt and regret as on his battles against the necromorphs. 

Gameplay : 8.5
Graphic : 9.0
Storyline : 8.5

 Overall : 8.7



Moecchi's Game Review : Dead Space

This game is a horror third person shooter. The story lane is just so good and complex. In this game you play as Isaac Clarke, An engineer who works for Concordance Extraction Corporation (C.E.C), A space mining company. Isaac and his 4 teammates has been sent to a giant mining space ship called "USG Ishimura" to fulfill an emergency call. At first, they thought the main problem was the machine of the ship, but the real thing wasn't like what they thought. They were suddenly attacked by a group of creatures, called Necromorph. This Necromorph is a creature that reproduce from mutation within human bodies. Two of them killed in action, but Isaac can barely escape from those things and got separated with the two other teammates. So, Isaac have to survive and seek the truth about what really happened in this ship. This story lane is like a Hollywood movie, right ? And what i love from this game was the bloodshed and scattered limbs! Soooo intense! And don't forget the sounds from this game! very very and very shocking and thrilling!

Gameplay : 8.5
Graphics : 8.5
Storyline : 9.0

Overall : 8.7

Moecchi's Game Review : Splinter Cell : Conviction

This "Most Popular Stealth" game was made By Ubisoft Montreal, and Published By Ubisoft, they created a new experience on Splinter Cell Series that was very different than the old sequels. The story is about Sam Fisher, looking for the killer of his daughter, who had been killed in a hit-and-run at the beginning of Splinter Cell: Double Agent. He has abandoned the NSA and now striking out alone. At first, he believes that his daughter's death was an accident but when he finds out it wasn't, he goes on a solo mission to find out who's the murder behind this case. The gameplay has changed a lot, from “Really-stealth-game” into “Public-Stealth-game”. You can buy and upgrade your weapon through the Black market.
Also, Ubisoft gives you an opportunity to do much better and exciting styles of interrogation to your enemy. Even though The Splinter Cell Conviction itself has some problems for the PC version (some problems with DRM). But all of the problems above are paid with the nice gameplay & graphics. Also The Deniable Ops (Game Mode) is fun to be play alone. If there are no bugs, it gonna be an editor's choice. But who cares with bugs except me and some people when u are to enjoy playing it ? Right ?

Gameplay : 7.8
Graphics : 9.0
Storyline : 9.0

Overall : 8.6


Hey guys, my name is Ariq Wynalda. my NIM : 1601225974 . At first, i created this blog is only because Mr Daniel Nugraha, Whose ID is D4748 give me an assignment to create a blog. but now i want to continue this blogging activity and write some games review with my own opinion. So wish me luck then. thank you :D